What is the GMNF Theological Institute?

The GTI is the theological teaching and training institute of the GMNF Global Mission Society.

What is the GTI Statement of Faith?

Among the breadth of beliefs of the Christian employees and personnel; GTI is a broadly evangelical institution. 

We believe:

On account of a variety of beliefs on a small percent of ecclesiastics between Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Protestants; GMNF operates and teaches from the perspective of Reformed Theology which includes doctrines held in common with all Christians as well as some distinctives:

-Westminster Confession 

- Belgic Confession

-Heidelburg Catechism

-Canons of Dort

Are any scholarships available?

Yes, we do offer scholarships to help cover the cost of the DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY courses and other theological courses from partner organizations.

What does mission and ministry entail?

For both the GTI and GMNF, mission in ministry includes Christian outreach but also humanitarian works such as medical, health care, food, psychological counseling, homelessness and other social services